A Demolition Permit is required prior to demolishing or removing any building with a floor area greater than 120 ft² from any property located within the Mid-West Planning District (MWPD).
The elimination of a building from a property affects that property's assessment and taxes. As part of the permit, MWPD is responsible for notifying Manitoba Assessment of all building demolitions and removals associated with a Demolition Permit issued by the MWPD.
When demolishing or removing a building, it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure the following:
- Site safety is maintained as per Part 8 of the Manitoba Building Code: Safety Measures at Construction and Demolition Sites.
- Asbestos testing and compliance with Workplace Safety & Health for removal.
- Compliance with all applicable Municipal By-law regulations and procedures.
- All applicable utilities are disconnected and secured.
- The area is fenced and secured during demolition and clean-up (if applicable).
- After demolition/removal, the site must be cleaned up, i.e.:
- removal of old foundation
- ground filled and leveled
- site made safe as to the satisfaction of the Designated Officer.
Demolition FAQ
Q: Could there be asbestos in my building?
If your house or building was constructed circa 1930 to 1990’s there’s a good chance that some of the materials used in construction contain asbestos.
Q: Where can asbestos be found?
Asbestos and asbestos containing materials (ACMs) are commonly found in building materials used and installed in homes, workplaces, buildings and infrastructure between approximately 1930 and 1990.
Asbestos and ACMs were largely used in interior finishes (walls, ceilings, floors), such as wallboard, textured and latex paints, acoustical ceiling tiles, plaster, and vinyl floor tiles.
Exterior finishes that may contain asbestos (roofing, stucco, siding) such as clapboard, shingles, felt for roofing, roof patching materials, exterior siding.
Mechanical heating and air handling systems may also contain asbestos, such as pipe and boiler covering; furnace cement, compounds and cement, calking’s and putty.
Other materials such as appliance wiring and loose fill vermiculite insulation (expanded mica) may also contain asbestos.
These suspect materials must be handled as though they contain asbestos until it is shown through laboratory analysis that they are asbestos-free.
Q: How do I find a testing company to confirm if I suspect asbestos in my building?
Resources are available at Safe Work Manitoba's website.
Q: What should I do if asbestos is found in my building?
It is a complex and expensive matter to remove asbestos, and should be done by an experienced contractor.
When disturbing an asbestos product, maximum precautions must be taken to safeguard the workers and anybody else who may be nearby. Asbestos dust must remain within the work area so that it cannot be breathed in by an unprotected persons.
Q: When does asbestos need to be removed?
If you know that your building contains asbestos, it must be removed prior to being disturbed or where work takes place near asbestos.
This means if your building contains asbestos and you plan to alter, add to or demolish your building, your first call should be to a qualified asbestos abatement contractor.
Q: How do I find an asbestos abatement contractor to safely remove the asbestos?
Resources are available at Safe Work Manitoba's website.
Q: What are the responsibilities around asbestos as an owner?
If asbestos is found in your building you are required by law to keep a detailed and up to date inventory of the asbestos-containing material in your building. This record should be kept for at least 30 years and be made available to anyone who may perform work to your building.
If you plan to make alterations to your building or demolish it, you are required to take measures to ensure that asbestos-containing material is prevented from entering the atmosphere and that no person working on your building is exposed to any asbestos-containing material that may create a risk to their safety or health.
If you know that your building contains asbestos and you plan to alter or demolish it, you are required to contact Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health at least 5 days prior to starting.
For more information on the proper detection, abatement, handling and disposal of hazardous materials within your home or building, contact Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health at 204-726-6361, Toll Free: 1-855-957-7233 or 1-204-957-7233.
How to apply for a Demolition Permit?
Demolition Permit applications must include:
- Completed Demolition Permit.
- A Demolition Site Fire Safety Plan.
- Site Plan showing which buildings/structures on the property are being demolished/removed (If all buildings are being demolished/removed, a Site Plan is not required).
- Proof of property ownership. See our Application Documentation Policy.
- Completed Letter of Authorization if you, as the applicant, is not the property owner.
- Permit Fee in accordance with the MWPD’s Fee Structure.