The Mid-West Planning District (MWPD) is responsible to ensure that submitted plans conform to the Zoning By-Laws for that property.
We are now offering online permit applications. Create your account and apply online for your development permit today!
Residential and Commercial/Industrial Fences require a Development permit. Agricultural operations do not require a Development Permit for fencing.
Fence FAQ
Q: Where can I build my fence?
You may build a fence along and up to your property line within your property limits. When neighbours are sharing a fence, they decide the location of the fence and they may build on the property line.
Q: Are there any height, material or Building Code requirements for a fence?
Fence height requirements vary by municipality and applicable Zoning By-Law.
If you are building a fence on a corner lot, contact us to determine your specific requirements. As well, special consideration is needed for building a fence adjacent to intersections or for visibility along back lanes.
Residential fences may be built out of any material you wish with the exception of barbed wire or electric fencing. Some examples of materials you could use are wood, brick, concrete, metal, plastic or stone. As well, hedges or plant material may be used to give the effect of a fence. The same zoning regulations apply, regardless of the material used.
Any open water deeper than zero decimal six (0.6m) metres or two (2’) feet must be enclosed by an unclimbable fence at least one decimal five (1.5m) metres or five (5’) feet high. All openings must be lockable.
There are no Building Codes applicable fences. The permit you will be applying for is a Development Permit for the placement of the fence. The inspection will be a Development Review.
Q: Which side is the good side of a fence?
When you build your fence it is up to you to decide, using the regulations as guidelines, how you want your fence to look. Style, colour, etc., are yours to decide. It is a good idea to check with your neighbours before building a fence to see if your plans can be incorporated with those that they might have.
Q: Who pays for a fence?
If your neighbour is making plans to build a fence you are not obligated to give money towards their project. However, it is often cost-effective to work with a neighbour in building a fence. When costs and maintenance of a fence are shared by adjoining neighbours, it may be built right on the property line.
Q: What if my neighbour and I are having a dispute regarding fencing between our properties?
If the fence complies with the respective Zoning By-Law regulations, it would be a civil matter that would have to be resolved between you and your neighbour.
To determine property lines, check your home records to see if you have a Surveyor’s Building Location Certificate or survey. If you cannot locate a survey or a copy of one, contact a Manitoba Land Surveyor have one created.
See our handout for more information. Fence Information Please contact us if you have other questions about fencing requirements on your property.
How to apply for a fence permit?
Development Permits for fences must include:
- Completed Development Permit Application.
- Detailed Site Plan.
- Plans for the fence. These plans shall include the height of the fence.
- Any fence built within 5' of the property line will require a survey to accompany the application.
- Proof of property ownership. See our Application Documentation Policy.
- Letter of Authorization is required if you are applying on behalf of the landowner.
- Total Project value (i.e., final project costs including all material and labour).
- Fees in accordance with the MWPD’s Fee Structure By-Law.
If the proposed development is located adjacent to a Provincial Road or Highway, an additional permit may be required from the Province (Manitoba Infrastructure) when applying for a permit from the MWPD. The Department of Transportation and Infrastructure may also have additional requirements.
NOTE: It is the landowner's responsibility to satisfy or adhere to any Development Agreement requirements that may pertain to the property.

The Mid-West Planning District (MWPD) is to be notified when the fence has been installed.
PLEASE NOTE: A minimum of 24 Hours Notice is required when booking inspections (weekend not included);
- If the work is not ready for inspection or you need to cancel, please contact the MWPD office as soon as possible;
- It is the responsibility of the APPLICANT to arrange for all inspections.
- The MWPD assumes no responsibility for inspections that were not scheduled.
- Inspections may be performed at random as determined by the Building Inspector.
The following are subject to Penalty Fees in accordance with the MWPD’s Fee Structure By-Law:
- Any Structure that is commenced prior to the appropriate permits being obtained.
- Where the work is not ready for the time of the scheduled inspection.
- Where project deficiencies result in repeated inspections by the inspector.