The Mid-West Planning District (MWPD) is responsible to ensure that submitted plans conform to the Zoning By-Laws for that property.
We are now offering online permit applications. Create your account and apply online for your development permit today!
The Development Officer will evaluate each proposed sign based on its compliance with applicable zoning regulations.
Development Permit applications for a sign must include:
- Completed Development and Building Permit Application
- Include sizes and placement of the sign
- Completed Site Plan if the sign is not mounted on a building.
- Fees in accordance with the MWPD’s Fee Structure By-Law.
NOTE: A Building Permit may also be required for any construction associated with the sign.
Please note that incomplete applications will not be accepted.

The Mid-West Planning District (MWPD) is to be notified once the sign is installed.
PLEASE NOTE: A minimum of 24 Hours Notice is required when booking inspections (weekend not included);
- If the work is not ready for inspection or you need to cancel, please contact the MWPD office as soon as possible;
- It is the responsibility of the APPLICANT to arrange for all inspections.
- The MWPD assumes no responsibility for inspections that were not scheduled.
- Inspections may be performed at random as determined by the Building Inspector.
The following are subject to Penalty Fees in accordance with the MWPD’s Fee Structure By-Law:
- Any sign installed prior to the appropriate permits being obtained.
- Where the work is not ready for the time of the scheduled inspection.
- Where project deficiencies result in repeated inspections by the inspector