19 March 2025: Hamiota (HM) – Conditional Use and Variances

APPLICANT: Ryan Brooks

OWNERS: Ryan & Amanda Brooks

PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Lot 1 Plan 6536, Hamiota, Hamiota Municipality

TO PERMIT FOR the establishment a Non-Farm Dwelling use in the AR (Agricultural Restricted) zone AND VARY from the maximum site area for a non-farm dwelling in the AR Zone of 10 acres to approximately 33 acres AND VARY from the minimum front yard setback in the AR Zone of 125 feet to 0 feet

VARY from the minimum rear setback in the RS (Residential Serviced) zone of 25 feet to 0 feet


OWNER(S): Scotsburn Farms Ltd
APPLICANT: Allan Soutar
PROPERTY LOCATION: NW-28-15-23W, Hamiota Municipality
SUBJECT: TO establish a non-farm dwelling use in the “AG” zone via subdivision on the land AND to vary the minimum required right side setback from 25 feet to 6 feet and the minimum required rear setback from 25 feet to 18 feet.

10 July 2024: Hamiota (HM) – Conditional Use & Variance


LAND DESCRIPTION: Redacted, Hamiota Municipality

SUBJECT: To grant a Farm Dwelling Use in the “AG” zone to bring the existing dwelling into conformance, to provide for an addition to the dwelling.

SUBJECT: Reduction in the minimum site area for a Farm Dwelling Use from 80 acres to 20.2 acres

10 July 2024: Hamiota (HM) 2 Variances

APPLICANT: Kaycelyn Rosales-Knight

LAND DESCRIPTION: 43 4th Street SE, 19/20-8-T, Hamiota

SUBJECT: Reduction to the side setback distances: Right setback from 6 feet to 5.12 feet and Left setback from 6 feet to 4.46 feet.

SUBJECT: Reduction in the number of required on-site parking spots from 16 public spots (including 1 accessible spot) plus 1 loading spot to 0 on-site parking spots.

20 December 2023: HM Zoning By-Law Amendment

BY-LAW NO. 2023-04 being an AMENDMENT to the Hamiota Municipal Zoning By-law No. 2019-04, as amended.

GENERAL INTENT OF BY-LAW No. 2023-04: Rezone Block 3 and 4, Plan 26063 NLTO, and Lot 1, Plan 6715 lying south of Maple Avenue and located between 5th Street and 7th Street in Pt. NW8-14-23-W in the community of Hamiota.

FROM: “ML” – Industrial Light Zone

 TO: “CC” – Commercial Central Zone