13 Feb 2024: RMOV Variances (2)

APPLICANT(S): Shaun Taylor & Tara Barker

SUBJECT:  To reduce the front setback from 25 feet to 0 feet

SUBJECT: To reduce the side setback from 6 feet to 0 feet

TO PROVIDE FOR: a change in use from a Food or Beverage Service Establishment to a Single-Dwelling in the GD Zone.

LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 5–312, 9 North Railway Street, Oak River, Rural Municipality of Oakview.

13 Feb 2024: PVM – Variances (adjourned from Jan 9 hearing to reconvene Feb 13)


06-PV-23-VO: To decrease the North Side Setback from 50 feet to 32.8 feet and the South Side Setback from 50 feet to 13.1 Feet.

07-PV-23-VO: to decrease the East Rear Setback from 50 feet to 32.8 feet.

TO PROVIDE FOR: The land use of a Gravel Pit in the AG Zone.

LAND DESCRIPTION: Lot: – Block: 1 Plan: 7179, 85083 PTH 83, Beulah, Prairie View Municipality.

13 Feb 2024: PVM – Variances (adjourned from Jan 9 hearing to reconvene Feb 13)


08-PV-23-VO: To decrease the North Rear Setback from 50 feet to 13.1 Feet.

09-PV-23-VO: To decrease the East Side Setback from 50 feet to 32.8 feet

10-PV-23-VO: To decrease the South Front Setback from 125 feet to 32.8 feet

TO PROVIDE FOR: The land use of a Gravel Pit in the AG Zone.

LAND DESCRIPTION: SW8-15-26W, Beulah, Prairie View Municipality.

20 December 2023: HM Zoning By-Law Amendment

BY-LAW NO. 2023-04 being an AMENDMENT to the Hamiota Municipal Zoning By-law No. 2019-04, as amended.

GENERAL INTENT OF BY-LAW No. 2023-04: Rezone Block 3 and 4, Plan 26063 NLTO, and Lot 1, Plan 6715 lying south of Maple Avenue and located between 5th Street and 7th Street in Pt. NW8-14-23-W in the community of Hamiota.

FROM: “ML” – Industrial Light Zone

 TO: “CC” – Commercial Central Zone